Concurrent EDA specializes in turning algorithms into high-performance, low-power FPGA designs. Concurrent EDA's high-level synthesis tools have generated over 1 million lines of production HDL from user-provided and open-source C/C++/Matlab algorithms. Concurrent EDA offers services that span the entire design flow including: analysis of algorithm, hardware/software partitioning, optimization, synthesis, simulation, integration, software porting to SoC FPGA processors, testing/ debugging, and sub-system design.
Products and Services
Concurrent Analytics – Reduce Cost, Time and Risk
When starting a project, it is critical to understand the following:
- Which FPGA device is best for your application?
- Do you know exactly where your application is spending its time?
- Can all of your algorithm be mapped into the FPGA you selected?
- How much area will be needed?
- How long will it take to complete the FPGA design?
If you can compile your program, then Concurrent Analytics can answer these questions for you.
Software and FPGA Optimization – Rapid Speed and Area Improvement
High performance FPGA designs start with optimized software. Concurrent EDA offers the following optimization services:
- Precision/optimization – Optimizing the bit-precision of operations increases performance and reduces FPGA area.
- Library optimization – Some software libraries are not written efficiently and optimizing them can improve area and performance.
- Data structure optimization – Optimizing large data structures into smaller sizes allow for optimal parallel processing (FPGAs have hundreds of internal memories operating in parallel).
- Data dependency optimization – Loop-level data dependencies limit parallelism and can frequently be removed.
Custom FPGA Cores
Concurrent EDA has world-class synthesis tools that automatically transform software into FPGA hardware. Customers gain the benefits of these tools through our turnkey design services. The end result is a high-performance FPGA design that is functionally identical – but at a higher performance.
Concurrent EDA’s tools are driven by experienced engineers who know how to extract various levels of parallelism from sequential software. For example:
- Instruction-Level Parallelism – Software executes one instruction at a time. FPGA hardware can execute hundreds to thousands of operations in parallel.
- Loop-Level Parallelism – Loops can usually be transformed into pipelined logic that generates one result per clock cycle.
- Function-Level Parallelism - Sequences of functions can be executed in parallel if they operate independently on different data.
FPGA Design Services
Concurrent EDA offers a full range of FPGA design services beyond algorithms-to-HDL automation. After designing and debugging over 1 million lines of HDL, we have expertise in most areas of the FPGA design flow.
- Architecture – Partition between hardware and software sub-systems.
- Analysis – Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
- HDL Coding – Clock-level HDL design for I/O signals and critical components.
- High-level Synthesis – HDL design directly from customer software (see Custom FPGA Cores).
- Timing Closure – Identify and improve timing violations within a complex HDL design.
- Place-and-Route – Improve FPGA area and routing through place-and-route constraints.
- Simulation – Full HDL simulation with extensive test vectors from files and test benches.
- Testing and debugging – Identification and resolution of complex timing and logic issues.
- Porting Software – Porting software from x86, PowerPC, DSPs and micros to ARM SoCs.
For information about pricing and obtaining products or services, please contact Concurrent EDA directly.
Contact Information
For additional information, contact Concurrent EDA at:
Concurrent EDA
5001 Baum Blvd, Suite 640
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States
Phone: 412-687-8800
FPGA Cores:
Software Analytics:
Design Services: